Friday, May 18, 2012

National Bike To Work Day Today

Today is Bike to Work Day

Locally,  there are 58 pit stops in D.C., Maryland and Virginia where bicyclists can stop and grab free refreshments www.biketoworkmetrodcorg. and other free goodies.  Check out the interactive map for details by location. 

HotFlashFinds:  It looks like today is going to be a beautiful day.  It is very important to try and incorporate exercise into our daily lives.  If you are unable to bike to work today, try to take a bike ride after work.  Or, try to take a walk, go to the gym, or find another way to get some movement into your life.
Also,  for those of you who are environmentally conscious, this is  great way to have a commuting alternative.

Addendum:  Loyal reader and friend Lennie sent me an e-mail about Bike to Work Day.  Below is some interesting information about the evolution of this day.  Also,  below is a link to

National Bike to Work Day:
Today is National Bike to Work Day! In 1956, the Cycle Trade Association of America announced the first ever Bike Month. The purpose of this occasion was to promote bicycle sales. Today, National Bike Month, Bike Week, and Bike to Work Day have a much broader focus. These events encourage safe bicycling practices and promote cycling as a legitimate commuting alternative.
Join thousands of other Americans and participate in Bike to Work Day today. Whether you are environmentally conscious or just love the exercise, biking to work is a great way to avoid the commuter traffic and stay in shape! Happy cycling!

 " A Bike is not a toy, it is a child's first vehicle" and this one, " Drive your bike" ..... This is where it all begins! We can all stand to learn something here.
Thank-you Lennie for this great informative information.
Readers, please feel free to contact  I welcome your comments and contributions to this blog. 
some of the above info obtained from                                                                     

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