Friday, February 10, 2012

A Delicious Way To Get Some Vitamin C and So Much More...

                          Blood Oranges

Have you ever eaten a blood orange?  I found this variety of orange at Wegmans a couple of years ago.  Now, I look forward to January through March, when I can enjoy these delicious oranges.  Blood Oranges contain greater amounts of antioxidants than other oranges because of the dark pigments. The flavor is distinctly raspberry-like in addition to the usual citrus flavor.

HotFlashFinds: A delicious way to get your vitamin C, dietary fiber, folate, calcium and thiamine.  Be on the lookout for these   oranges at your local grocery store. 

Addendum:  Loyal blog follower Lennie shared some information with me about Cara Cara Oranges.  Here is what she wrote: " Another great one for this season is the Cara Cara Orange. Originally discovered in Venezuela in 1976 it began to be found in this country in the 1980's I believe.   I like them peeled and cut up for a dessert, especially after a hearty brunch or dinner, sometimes with a bit of shredded coconut on top.
They have a lovely color, scent and flavor almost with a bit of cranberry taste.  I also like a salad dressing with some of the juice, a treat during winter months and very healthful too."
A thank-you to Lennie for this information.

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